Saturday, February 23, 2013

Not a Good Example

I was expecting a phone call. Maybe a visit from my administrator. I'd bitten my nails down too far and not knowing if there would be repercussions was the worst. During my fourth period, just before my lunch and planning, I talked too much. My students were reading a story about a boy who wasn't allowed to play soccer because of a vision problem. He was upset because he didn't think it was a big deal but the school was cognizant of it once his mom sent a note. So a student asked what were vision problems. I gave some examples- one of them being amblyopia or "lazy eye". "What's lazy eye?" one student asked. So I explained and I gave an example. (Mistake) "It's not a big deal. It is common," I assured them and tried to move on but... I came up with a real example. Limited English Proficient students, many times, need real examples or visuals. "There is a lady who works in the drive-thru at the McDonald's right up the road here from the school [pointing at my window] and she has a lazy eye." I attempted to move on. "At the McDonald's beside the highways down there [pointing in same direction]?" a student asked. "Yes. The McDonald's near the highway, UP there," I answered, "now who's turn is it to read?" I noticed the student's face. He was still thinking about it. "Do the lady have long, black hair?" he continued. "I think so, but-" "That's my Mama!" he interrupted. This is awkward. All eyes were on me...waiting. "As I said, it is a common eye problem and I am not sure it was your mother. But it isn't something people can help," I offered. "What is it called again?" someone asked. "Their eyes is lazy," another answered. "No! Not lazy eyes. It's called lazy eye and-" "But my Mama, her eyes is not lazy. They work all the times," he added. Everyone started talking. "Okay. Okay. Get quiet everyone," I said. I quickly walked up to him and apologized. His feet were swinging as usual like a happy dog with a wagging tail. He turned to the next page in the story so I quickly jumped back in too. "Where were we?" I looked up. One student was crossing his eyes and raising his hand. I called on someone else. I

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! My has this day changed over the years. I thought minors just traded cards and candy. Cards and candy. Our two are only eleven and nine. So the youngest did do just that at school- he exchanged cards and candy with classmates. Our oldest is now in sixth grade and they don't do this anymore. Understandable. Well, no problem because we arrived home today to find a nice Fedex package in the mailbox... addressed to the two of them! Two Valentine's Day cards and inside were two credit card/gift cards for $50 each! WHAT! My parents sent them. Times have changed. Those same two grandparents, about three decades ago, gave me five minutes in a store to find a cheap box of Valentine cards to exchange with friends. Just cards. I had to scotch-tape my own candy to the cards. A few cards ended up with just tape on the front. The bus ride was long in elementary school back then and I needed energy. A few pieces of it. Back to the gifts. Just flabbergasted over the $50 they got. Valentine's Day should be just for lovers. I didn't know there were cards for children for Valentine's Day. Shaking my head at this. "Kids need holidays and gifts too! You all have Mother's and Father's Day," our youngest stated. "Kid's day is every single day," I responded. Then, I took the time to give one of my long lectures about how it was in my day. I did, throw in a few exaggerations: "I had to make my own cards and candy! And the envelopes!" Well, the youngest did offer to take me out with his new Visa gift card. "I can take you to Olive Garden!, he told me. "But just me and you Mama." I smiled. "But it can't go over $15," he warned. "At Olive Garden?" I questioned. "Soup and salad and those little entrances for just $12.95... I saw it on the commercial," he added. "What about the tip for the server?" I asked. "Well, can't you handle that Mama?" "I can't spend all my money." Olive Garden just happens to be his favorite restaurant too. I'd better take him quick. I heard him asking his sister, "You know how to use our cards to order stuff on" That money is as good as spent.